This week
Cette semaine
Pilates classes resume Monday 5 September!
Cours de Pilates reprennent Lundi 5 Septembre!
NEW: ONLINE (Skype) SESSIONS, call Danielle for more details!
NOUVEAU: COURS ONLINE (Skype), appelez pour plus d'information!
Upcoming Events
Brandon Bays:
The Journey
The Journey For Kids
Freedom Is
Consciousness, The New Currency
Byron Katie:
Loving What is
Don Richard Riso with Russ Hudson:
Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery
Thomas Condon:
Dynamic Enneagram
Expanded Intuitive Training
Alan Seale:
Intuitive Living
Louise L. Hay:
Heal your Life
Gesundheit für Körper und Seele
Karol T. Truman:
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die
David Servan-Schreiber:
Guérir Le Stress, L'Anxiete et La Depression Sans Medicaments
Barry Long:
The Way In
Knowing Yourself
Only Fear Dies
Eckhart Tolle:
The Power of Now
A New Earth
Colin C. Tipping:
Ich vergebe
Empowerment / Coaching
Jack Canfield:
How to get from where you are to where you want to be
Deepak Chopra:
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
Pam Richardson:
Life Coach
Rhonda Byrne:
The Secret
Lindsey Agness:
Change your Life with NLP
Shakti Gawain:
Creative Visualisation
Dr. Susan Jeffers:
Tremblez mais ozes!
Matthieu Ricard:
Gretchen Rubin:
The Happiness Project
Annie Tricoire:
Le Bonheur aussi, ca s'apprend
Bernard Ducourant:
Les Clefs du Bonheur Parfait
Monica Romeo:
Out of your mind, into your senses
Else Müller:
Inseln der Ruhe (Autogenes Training)
Shakti Gawain:
Leben im Licht - Quelle und Weg zu einem neuen Bewusstsein
Carolyne Miss:
Chakren: Die Sieben Zentren von Kraft und Heilung
Gilian Mc Keith:
You are what you eat
Michael Montignac:
Ich esse, um abzunehmen nach dem GLYX
The French Diet
Patrick Holford:
Optimum Nutrition
Paul Check:
Eat, Move and Be Healthy